Methodologist Biktagirova: How to fulfill your New Year’s resolutions - - Expert Tips & Life Hacks for Everyday Living!

Methodologist Biktagirova: How to fulfill your New Year’s resolutions

The tradition of promising to change lives has spread all over the world since January 1. Although humorous, such promises are often made in writing or in front of friends.

However, we often forget, for example, that we want to get rid of bad habits. The main reason for the decrease in motivation to keep promises may be improper planning or lack of it, methodologist Dilara Biktagirova said in an interview with

“Write down your goals based on the balance wheel, that is, in areas such as living conditions, recreation, development, family, friends, health, finance, career. At the same time, the goal should be clear, significant, achievable and measurable, limited in time,” Biktagirova advised.

The methodologist recommended how to formulate goals correctly. For example, the wish to “learn English next year” will be misspelled — it is impossible to learn all English at once.

In addition, Biktagirova advises dividing big goals into smaller ones and gradually achieving them. This way, according to the expert, it will be easier for you to achieve what you want. She also suggests taking circadian rhythms into account.

“The most unpleasant but important things are best done in the morning. Early evening is a great time for mental work, evening is for creativity,” the expert explained.


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