It became known whether honey is dangerous when heated

When honey is heated, some of its beneficial properties are lost, but it does not make it harmful, nutritionist and nutrigeneticist Andrey Zolotarev said in an interview with Sputnik Radio. He noted that not everyone likes candied honey, so many people heat it to restore its fluidity.

“Honey can lose a number of properties after you heat it. It contains a certain amount of enzymes that are destroyed when heated, and there are vitamins that are afraid of heat treatment,” Zolotarev warned.

He also stressed that the popular opinion about the toxicity of honey after heating is not true. Heated honey does not become hazardous to health. To minimize the loss of enzymes and vitamins, a nutritionist recommends the right way to heat honey.

It is necessary to pour boiling water into the container, wait until the temperature drops to 80 degrees, and only then put the closed jar of honey there. Half an hour later, when the temperature drops, you need to drain some water and add hot water. However, the nutritionist does not recommend heating honey in a microwave oven or in a traditional water bath when the product container is dipped into a boiling liquid.

Earlier, Natalya Tretyakova, a specialist at the Grain Quality Assessment Center, said that falsified honey has an unpleasant and unusual smell for this product. In addition, during crystallization, fake honey is divided into two layers — liquid and dense.


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