Hindustan Times: Black pepper will help lower cholesterol and lose weight

The healing and warming spice not only adds spice to dishes, but also heals the body. In ancient times, this spice was called “black gold”. Dr. Avik Roy talked about the health benefits of black pepper. His recommendations have been published in the Hindustan Times.

Black pepper was first mentioned in Indian sources over three thousand years ago, and they started eating it earlier. The spice, popular in India, soon spread throughout the world. It is believed that the first European to try black pepper was Alexander the Great.

Our ancestors also liked the spice from India. In Russia, black pepper is added to ginger, honey sbiten and pepper.

According to the expert, the spice has a healing effect on the entire body. The piperine found in black pepper prevents the formation of new fat cells. The active ingredients of the spice enhance the action of enzymes involved in the elimination of toxins from the body.

The alkaloid piperine has anticancer activity and prevents the development of cancer. The biologically active components of pepper have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In addition, by reducing low-density lipoprotein levels, black pepper plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Source: https://medzdrav.info/

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