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5 signs you’re designed for a minimalist lifestyle

Have you ever had the overwhelming feeling that it’s vital for you to get rid of some things? You may have reached a point where you feel “overwhelmed” by material objects. By clearing and freeing up your space, you feel much better. Let’s look at five signs that indicate that you’re striving for simplicity and accuracy, that you’re designed for a minimalist lifestyle.

1. You’re not attached to your stuff

Most of us have old things that we just can’t throw away because we’re very attached to them. If you can safely say you don’t quite agree with this statement, then you’re a typical minimalist. Minimalism is based on the intention to own only what you need, so you don’t hesitate to part with things you have in abundance or simply don’t need.

2. You’re not a shopping fan

Is it impossible to seduce you with sales? Don’t you like to wander around shopping malls to buy something? Don’t you buy under the influence of impulse? If the answer is yes, you might prefer a minimalist lifestyle. Rather, you’ll use your things until they fail: from your favorite jeans to pots and pans. This means you’re willing to pay more for quality items that you know will stand the test of time.

3. You know what you need

Of course, minimalism is not stingy. You don’t forbid yourself to buy anything new, but you are clear about your basic needs. You are not going to deny yourself anything, but at the same time you are very attentive to your expenses and often make lists of necessary purchases, which, by the way, are quite short.

4. You’re giving away what you don’t need

Are you constantly reviewing all your stuff to select what you don’t need and give it to others? And then you get rid of them without the slightest regret? Then you’re a minimalist. You constantly ask yourself what value or function a particular item has, and why it even takes up space in your home. You’re not the kind of person whose shelves are filled with collections from your childhood, and whose closets are full of old things you can’t part with.

5. You’re trying to limit your expenses

If you are a minimalist, then you are not prone to waste at the subconscious level. At the grocery store, you only buy food for a few days and don’t stock up for three months in advance. You’re not chasing fashion and getting three coats and seven sweaters for every day of the week. It is common for you to be careful about your earnings and not waste money for pleasure and instant satisfaction.


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